Topher Straus

Topher Straus
“Essential to my art is the first step, the actual journey, experiencing nature in person and observing it. The adventure helps shape my interpretation. Whether it’s the delicate eyelashes of an elephant seen up close or the continually changing hues of the natural world around me, I’ve learned that all the parts create the whole.
Growing up in Colorado, hiking and skiing the mountains, I am passionate about the outdoors. As a result, I encourage others to get outside and explore. It’s no coincidence that I chose America’s national parks as my first significant focus. Thanks to my family, I
grew up exposed to art and credit the 20th-century painter Matisse for his strong influence on how I see the two-dimensional plane. Further, the highly respected tradition of landscape painting in the West inspires me, a custom I want to help preserve. By rendering these treasured vistas anew to a fresh audience with modern
technology, I can further the joy in nature and emphasize the shared responsibility of protecting it. As an advocate for America’s natural beauty and the preservation of our sacred places, it’s one more way of giving back, which is an essential value in my life.”
Topher Straus
In The Gallery: